With two out of three Americans Overweight, most of us have tried dieting. The trouble is that diet after diet, the pounds always come back. What's Wrong???
MaxWLX helps Break the Vicious
"Fat Gain" Cycle...
Research has revealed something that works with your body's natural system to lose weight safely and to allow you to maintain that weight loss!!!
In 1994, scientists discovered communication between fat cells and your brain. A messaging hormone called leptin that is manufactured by every fat cell in your body tells your brain when you've had enough to eat. It also serves as a sort of "on-off switch" for fat cells - a switch that determines whether cells will store fat or burn fat.
But for this switch to work, your brain has to clearly hear leptin's message. When your body is sensitive and listens to the leptin message, it is easily satisfied with food. But this message can be drowned out as a result of overeating.
Fat cells keep churning out more leptin trying to make the message heard. But the brain and other body tissues only respond when leptin levels are low. NOw the Message is ignored. This is called leptin resistance and it's major factor in weight gain.
For More Information,
Please Contact:
Keith Carey - 818-510-4456
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